
“Don’t store up treasures here on earth, where moths eat them and rust destroys them, and where thieves break in and steal.
Matthew 6:19 NLT

Today… My twin tells me she was considering making lemon fat bombs for us. Funny thing, I was also considering making peppermint fat bombs for us.

This is one of many stories… Where she was the thought when a call comes in. The call you tried to find time for in a week and she is trying to call me at the same moment. One time the phone did not ring, I was dialing her at the exact moment.

Or the same outfit worn to get together. When we never shopped together, had not seen the others outfit… And surprised the other with our matchy matchy styles. Many times growing up, we found ourselves singing the same song as we walk into a room.

While separated by miles, our thoughts and dreams for the other are never far apart.

We fantasize about shared neighborhoods and backdoor coffee dates. Our friendships hardly measure up to the combined similar process of thinking of the world from such genetic and nurture standpoints.

Our treasured moments on a dock last summer laughing and planning together had to serve up some of those sustained memories. The year brought a very sick mom who worried us later through a hospital and nursing home move.

These memories were not stained by a silly, fatigued, literally peeing my pants moment in said hospital parking lot.

No one makes me laugh harder and more grateful for the skort and flip flop choice of attire made that fateful day. Or the dark of night for that matter.

These moments can never color a difficult moment darker. Her light magically changes the landscape of every possible moment together.

My sister is my heart walking around outside my personal skin. So grateful!